Where Can You Canvass with FLIP NC? Anywhere in North Carolina!

UPDATED April 18, 2024

To win critical races in November, we need to reach left-leaning voters across the state. This year, you can canvass with FLIP NC from anywhere in North Carolina!

In 2024, we’re running canvasses both in person and remotely, so you can knock doors wherever you are. As always, all FLIP NC canvasses will use targeted voter data to identify left-leaning voters; provide easy-to-use guiding scripts and training; offer technical support; and include opportunities to debrief and provide feedback. And all of our canvasses are designed and planned with first-time canvassers in mind. We make it easy and fun!

Here are all the ways you can canvass with FLIP NC in 2024.

Join us in person! In March, we kicked off our signature FLIP NC canvasses. We meet at a pub for a brief training, canvass for a couple of hours, and then come back together to debrief over drinks and snacks. Join us monthly in Durham as well as at additional pop-up canvasses in other parts of the state. Upcoming canvasses will include Wendell, Asheville, and Raleigh.

Join a canvass training and happy hour debrief via Zoom! Not near Durham but want to canvass with us? You can canvass right where you are! In April, we began supporting “anywhere in NC” canvasses so volunteers can join us from anywhere in the state. We’ll send you materials and information about where to canvass and hold a canvass training on Zoom. Afterwards, we’ll reconnect on Zoom for a happy hour debrief (this one’s BYOB). Our next anywhere canvass date will be posted in May.

Organize your own group; we’ll do the rest! Do you have a group that wants to canvass together? We can help! We’ll provide canvass training, guiding scripts and materials, targeted voter lists and maps, and leave-behind materials. Complete this form or contact us if you’re interested.

Canvass on your own! Raring to go and can’t wait for our next canvass? We like to keep it social, but if you’re ready to get back out there and don’t want to wait, we can help. Once you’ve canvassed with FLIP NC at least once this year, you can sign up to receive more turf and materials to keep knocking doors whenever you want. We recommend canvassing with a partner, but it’s not required. Experienced FLIP NC canvassers, sign up for more turf and materials here!