Voter Outreach

Help Wanted: Volunteer Opportunities During Early Voting and on Election Day

From its inception in early 2017, FLIP NC has focused on voter outreach in advance of elections. But voter protection and voter outreach on election day and during the early voting period are also key areas where volunteers are needed – and filling these shifts has never been as crucial as it is now.

If you are interested in helping to protect the vote during this election, consider staffing North Carolina’s new Rides To The Polls Hotline, working the polls for the Board of Elections, becoming a vote protector, or joining a MAT team. Learn more below!

10 Reasons to Focus on North Carolina’s OTHER Swing Voters in 2020

The national and North Carolina political landscapes have been changing rapidly over the past decade. While much attention has been paid to persuading white moderate “swing” voters who voted for Trump in 2016 to come back to the Democratic party in 2020, less attention has been given to North Carolina’s other swing voters: the registered voters in the Democratic base who are still deciding whether to vote – or vote down ballot – in 2020. With less than 70 days to go until election day, here are 10 critical reasons why a strong focus on appealing to left-leaning voters is key to flipping North Carolina blue in 2020.

FLIPsters Reveal Their Top Canvassing Tips

We asked many of our regular canvassers for their top tips when it comes to knocking doors, the most effective form of voter outreach. These folks certainly know what they’re talking about: They helped us knock 20,000 doors during the 2018 election cycle!

For more tips, go here. And please join us for our Dec. 8 super canvass at various locations across the state. Early canvassing is even more effective than traditional get-out-the-vote (GOTV) canvassing among the sporadic, left-leaning voters we need to turn out to win in 2020, so the time is now.

Democracy in North Carolina needs you!

Fired Up? Ready to FLIP? Help Us Get Out the Vote!

How many of you wish you could jump in a time machine, return to late summer/early fall of 2016, and do a little more work to change the outcome of the election? You’d gladly knock some doors, make some calls, and interact with strangers to see Hillary Clinton in the White House today, wouldn’t you? Let’s not feel any regret on election night 2018!

Imagine how great it’s going to feel as Nov. 6th draws to a close if we manage to break the supermajority in the NCGA, take control of the House for the first time since 2010, defeat the constitutional amendments, and put Anita Earls on the Supreme Court! Help us get out the vote! Some of you may have dozens of hours to give, and others may struggle to find four spare hours over the next few months, but please do what you can to pitch in. We don’t need to change minds. We DO need to get Democrats and left-leaning independents to the polls in record numbers.

Here are some ways you can make a difference by helping to bring a blue wave to NC in 2018.