Meet Tim Heath!


Democratic Candidate for NC House District 46

(Robeson and Columbus Counties)


Tim Heath is a teacher, coach, father of four, and lifelong North Carolinian. He is running to fight for livable wages, increase access to affordable healthcare, fully fund our public schools, and protect our environment.

You should not have to choose between going to the doctor or putting food on your table. Republican politicians have refused to do the right thing and expand access to affordable health care. Together we can team up to build better health care for all North Carolinians.

-Tim Heath, Democratic candidate for NC-H46

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Flipping this seat would help shift the balance of power in Raleigh so we can have a legislature that works for everyday North Carolinians by fully supporting public education, expanding Medicaid to reduce health care costs for everyone, and protecting our natural resources from greedy corporations.

About NC House District 46

After the 2018 elections, the district was redrawn by court order to remove the unfair advantage Republican lawmakers gave themselves in drawing the maps, and it’s now a much more competitive district. While it has leaned right in recent elections, the newly drawn district voted for both President Obama (D) and NC Attorney General Josh Stein (D) by significant margins. If enough left-leaning voters cast their ballots and vote the full ticket this year, we can flip this district blue!

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