A clinical psychologist, Irene lives in Durham with her husband, two daughters, one dog, and 19 chickens.
She had incredibly inspiring high school teachers who first got her “politically activated.” “That activism has looked different at different points of my life,” she says. Right now, in addition to canvassing with FLIP NC, Irene volunteers with the PTA at her daughter’s elementary school. She is a board member of the Jewish Federation of Durham-Chapel Hill, chair of the Jewish Community Relations Council, and an advisory committee member for Jewish Family Services.
Check out this Q&A with Irene and then sign up to join her at an upcoming canvass in Alamance County or Wake County! Remember, knocking doors is the most important and effective action you can take in this critical election year.
How did you find out about FLIP NC?
I found out about FLIP NC through Facebook. I was trying to figure out what to do with my political energy as the 2018 midterm elections approached and then a canvass invitation popped up, and I decided to go.
How many times have you canvassed with FLIP NC?
I’ve canvassed 12 times with FLIP NC since my first canvass in July 2018.
What has surprised you most about canvassing?
I have been surprised and delighted again and again by how we can inform and energize voters about the power of their vote in their particularly important district in a short conversation on their doorstep. As an added bonus, canvassing is easy, fun, and energizing.
Irene, left, with fellow FLIPster Dana
Do you like to recruit a friend or relative to sign up to canvass with you or do you prefer to be paired with a stranger to add to the fun?
I like a mix. I have enjoyed recruiting friends to join me, meeting new people by being paired with a stranger, and most recently bringing my 6-year-old daughter as my canvassing partner. She is an excellent canvasser, and people are particularly excited to hear from such a young and enthusiastic activist.
If you've participated in other canvasses, how are FLIP NC canvasses different?
I love canvassing with FLIP NC because the canvasses are so thoroughly data-driven. I love the data! I have also enjoyed canvassing with my local Democratic Party and with some campaigns, and FLIP NC is definitely my favorite.
Have a funny story or touching moment to share? Maybe something that happened while you were going door to door? A conversation you remember?
The moments of connecting personally, even in very small ways, take canvassing conversations to a deeper and more authentic place. When I bring my daughter, we ask for recommendations on where to go out for ice cream or hot chocolate after the canvass, and then people recommend a spot and open up a little more in the canvass conversation.
I’ve also had some powerful conversations wearing my FLIP NC T-shirt when I’m not formally canvassing. People often ask what the shirt means, and it’s a great way to start a conversation at the grocery store, the playground, or a highway rest stop. I’ve helped people check their voter registration online and make plans to vote during spontaneous conversations inspired by my T-shirt.
What's your top canvassing tip?
Bring your kids or other loved ones! It’s a great way to spend time together, and for kids, it’s so important to start activism and civic engagement early.
What is really motivating you to get involved? Obviously, you want to FLIP NC, but tell us a bit about the "why."
I canvass because I want to have an impact and as a self-care strategy. Fear about the current political climate (and the climate climate) can make us shut down and hide, and canvassing is really the opposite action to that emotion. And FLIP NC’s data-driven approach is truly the best way to make change and engage in activism as an antidote to my own fear.
How are you feeling about the 2020 election? Optimistic?
I am optimistic about the 2020 election because there are so many engaged progressive people working hard. I only have this optimism in the context of a lot of activism, energy, and door knocking.
Other than politics, what’s a passion of yours?
I love reading fiction, doing jigsaw puzzles, practicing yoga, running very slowly, and cooking.
Who do you admire in politics? Why?
I am really, really excited about Senator Erica Smith, who is currently running in the Democratic primary for the U.S. Senate seat in North Carolina. She is an amazing educator, engineer, minister, and advocate for North Carolina.
What would you say to someone who is feeling totally dejected by our current state of politics? And how do you stay in the fight?
That’s an easy one: Canvass with FLIP NC. You will feel energized, engaged, and impactful.
Tell us about a political moment that inspired you, whether it was a personal conversation, a speech given by a president, or a recent "blue wave" moment.
The FLIP NC leadership team inspires me! I feel grateful and excited that they have created this targeted way for me to engage politically, have an impact, and have fun.