North Carolina's One Big Shot at Fair Maps

In 2022, Republicans swept our statewide court races and now hold large majorities on both our State Supreme Court (5 of 7 seats) and Court of Appeals (11 of 15 seats).

The GOP takeover of our courts in North Carolina is part of a larger, systematic plan from Republicans. In the same way that they created the REDMAP plan to take over state legislatures and rig election districts in their favor, they’ve worked to take over state supreme courts to remove checks on those legislatures’ constitutional violations.

Led by Republican Paul Newby, the new right-wing majority took the unprecedented step of overturning a prior decision that Republicans’ rigged election maps are unconstitutional, instead ruling that any amount of partisan gerrymandering is acceptable.

We cannot get fair maps and return the power to the people until we take back our state courts. We have a path to take back both the N.C. Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals by 2028 – before new maps are drawn for the next decade.

On the N.C. Supreme Court, we have one Democratic seat we need to protect this year, one we need to protect in 2026, and three we’ll have the opportunity to flip in 2028. If we can protect our current Democratic seats in 2024 and 2026, we’d just need to win 2 of the three for a Democratic majority on the court before new maps are drawn for the next decade.

On the N.C. Court of Appeals, we have one seat we need to protect this year and an opportunity to flip 2 more, and we have a similar path to a Democratic majority on the N.C. Court of Appeals by 2028.

This is our one big shot in the next decade to end extreme partisan gerrymandering and get fair maps, so voters can choose representatives who stand for their values and interests instead of extremists forcing harmful and unpopular laws on voters.

Join us in taking back our courts and restoring true democracy in North Carolina!