More Donations Needed to Help Us Reach More Voters!

With 75 days until the election, we have a $25,000 funding gap for our base voter outreach plans, particularly our text-banking program. Your donation will help cover the cost of the texting platform that volunteers will use to reach voters.

When we ran this program in 2020, we held back a random sample during early voting and found that we net about 3,500 additional votes statewide for Democrats – even with turnout at a record high. We estimate that we could net a similar number of additional votes this year at a cost of about $18 per added blue voter. But we only have funding to cover about half of it so far.

How it works: We text left-leaning, lower-propensity voters at the start of early voting – and again the day before Election Day if they haven’t voted yet. We create a unique link to every county’s early voting information and include additional county-specific early voting information directly in the text (e.g., hours, number of early voting sites).

We know from our 2020 analysis that this specific text-banking program is effective, and, as an entirely volunteer-run organization, our cost per net vote for Democrats is unmatched. All of our available time is spent running volunteer voter outreach, and we don’t have staff dedicated to fundraising, so we need your help!

In 2020, we sent 1.4 million text messages to left-leaning voters statewide, funded entirely by small-dollar donations. The average donation was $63. Help us replicate this effective effort in 2024!

Additional donations will also help fund more lit drop across North Carolina – covering our printing and shipping costs.

Thank you! The more funds we raise, the more voters we can reach – increasing our chances of flipping North Carolina blue this fall!