Our Education System Needs Us to FLIP NC

Check out this feature to see just how underpaid teachers are in North Carolina. Not only are NC teachers paid over $13,000 less the national average, but their salaries have fallen by over 11% in the past 15 years, when inflation is taken into account. 

When we knock on doors, voters tell us that education is the single most important issue to them. And yet, the Republicans in the NCGA are purposely starving our public school system of even the most basic resources.

The Ever-Changing Maps: Wake and Mecklenburg Edition

As the candidate filing period comes to an end and 2018 election campaigns begin in earnest, the NC House maps in Wake and Mecklenburg counties are still being contested in court for yet another election cycle.

Read on for a quick summary of the twists and turns in the legal case, what the NC House maps are likely to look like for 2018, and what this means for Democrats’ chances to break the supermajority or, better yet, to take back the NC House altogether in 2018.

FLIP Saves America

FLIP Saves America


At our January canvass in NC-H36, first-time canvasser and “Friend of the Pod” Cecilia Gonzales basically broke progressive Twitter, in the best possible way. This photo (she’s pictured with FLIP NC co-founder Briana Brough, donning the rad fanny pack!) was retweeted by “Pod Save America” co-host and former Obama staffer Dan Pfeiffer and liked by Jason Kander! We’re still not over it. 

And the FLIP NC Award Goes To…

And the FLIP NC Award Goes To…

Earlier this month, we held our seventh and final canvass of the year in Wake County, and it was our best one yet – the most canvassers and interactions with voters we’ve ever had. Clearly, we are getting the hang of this!

Since the year is wrapping up, we thought we’d take a minute to recognize some of our wonderful canvassers. Here they are … the 2017 FLIP NC Awards!

Virginia Shows North Carolina the Way

Virginia has provided the perfect two-step road map for North Carolina. First, we need to run strong progressive candidates in all districts that are even remotely competitive, including many where Democrats didn’t field a candidate in 2016. Second, we need to turn out fired-up Democratic voters in record numbers.

Into the Weeds with the Special Master

This post is for those who would like to get a little more into the weeds about what the Federal Court’s instructions given yesterday to the Special Master mean for Democrats' chances to break the supermajority in the NC House in 2018. The great news is that the maps should get much better for Democrats – relative to the maps proposed by the GOP – for at least three reasons.

Will the Supreme Court Restore Our Democracy?

The Supreme Court heard oral arguments this morning in the Wisconsin redistricting case. That any of the justices can fail to see that extreme partisan gerrymandering (by either party) completely undermines the democratic process is shocking – and yet it was clear today that Justice Kennedy will cast the decisive vote in this critical case.

Kennedy did not ask any questions of the challengers in court today. Many observers say that bodes well for our side of this. Let’s hope they’re right – the fate of our democracy hangs in the balance.

In 2018, Focus on Turning Out Dem Voters

The bad news for our democracy: attempts to win over swing voters basically have no measurable effect. The good news for 2018 elections? We don't need to convince swing voters of anything. We just need to get our people to the polls.

Coloring Outside the Lines

One of the most striking features of the NC GOP's proposed redistricting plan is their attempt to use the court-ordered redrawing of the gerrymandered districts as a ploy to re-draw much of the legislative map in its favor. By re-configuring county groupings and then redrawing the districts within them, they have reached far beyond the gerrymandered districts and redrawn two-thirds of the NC House map under the guise of fixing the current split counties THEY CREATED.

The New GOP Maps Are Out and They’re Worse Than Ever

Less than 36 hours before the ONLY opportunity for public comment on the proposed new legislative maps, the NC GOP finally released the correlating election data. We see why they don’t want the public to have time to see and understand these new maps. We compared the proposed maps to the current, unconstitutional ones: Of the sixteen GOP-held NC House districts FLIP NC had identified as the most "flippable" based on past election results, ELEVEN have been slanted more heavily for the GOP, while ONLY TWO were drawn more favorably for Democrats.